Video Tutorials
Learn at your own pace and discover just how easy it is to make your own mixed media fusion masterpieces and stunning jewelry. These video tutorials allow you to learn at your own pace, with tips and techniques for every skill level.
Beading Tutorials

Right Angle Weave
Right Angle Weave is one of the basic beading stitches that every beader should know. By itself it has a simple, beautiful appearance but can be easily embellished for even more stunning results.

Peyote Stitch
This versatile beading stitch has been used for centuries to create stunning and beautiful jewelry. This video shows the "basic" style of this stitch, along with the alternative Navajo Peyote which is perfect for creating bracelets.
Mixed Media Techniques

Funky Fiber Journal
Learn how easy bookmaking can be with this book binding technique that can easily be adapted to almost any size for creating your next book.

Color Wash Backgrounds
A "fast forward" look at how I create layered color washes onto textured backgrounds for a majority of my mixed media fusion pieces.